About me

I am an IT researcher and software engineer dreaming to change the world.

If you want my full curriculum vitae, you can find it here.

present me

I’m currently working as a Research Scientist at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg, in the SEDAN group headed by Prof. Radu State.

My research activities focus on software dependability and security, especially software verification and assessment. Currently, my research targets include new and innovative technologies such as ARM Trustzone for Cortex-M, Ethereum Smart Contract, and ROS. I am engaged in providing concrete and easy-to-use methodologies and tools that could help industries and open-source communities to provide software that can be trusted. The challenges arise from the nature of modern systems, complex and fragmented, that makes actual acceptance criteria for non-functional requirements incomplete or hard to apply in practice. I also shifted my interests towards AI, in particular with regards to Vehicle Routing Optimization.

I’m also the CEO and Co-Founder of WAVY MEET S.à r.l.. WAVY MEET provides a medical software platform with a secure and comprehensive approach to remote rehabilitation.

past me

I got my PhD in Information Technologies and Electrical Engineering (ITEE), at the University of Naples Federico II (UniNa). My PhD tutors were prof. Domenico Cotroneo, and Dr. Roberto Natella. During my PhD course, I was a visiting scholar at Northeastern University, Boston, USA,for the academic year 2016/2017, tutored by prof. Cristina Nita-Rotaru.

I’m a contributor to the FЯIDA tool project: more precisely, to the low-level code instrumentation library frida-gum.

I was involved in the management of the European H2020 project CONCORDIA, a dedicated consortium that led the integration of Europe’s cybersecurity competencies in a network of expertise to build the European secure, resilient, and trusted ecosystem.

I was the principal investigator of the project “SecuriTy Assessment of tRusTzone-m based Software” (STARTS) funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund under the programme Junion CORE. STARTS project created a methodology for the security assessment of software based on TrustZone-M technology.